How to Create a WordPress Site


Creating a wordpress site is easy with Softaculous, our app installer.

To get started, please refer to your welcome email (subject: Sparked Hosting- cPanel Information).

If you don't know what that looks like, we've attached an image (to the right) for reference.

  1. Browse to your cPanel account: (login details, "Control Panel URL")
  2. Log into your account: (Username and Password)

Now that you are logged in, we can begin the setup process.

  1. You will be greeted by your cPanel home screen. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the interface while scrolling down to the bottom of the page.
  2. Under the section named "Sofaculous Apps Installer", click on "WordPress".
  3. Click on "Install Now"
  4. Fill in your site's details
    1. Software Setup
      1. Choose Protocol: We highly suggest using https://
      2. Choose Domain: You probably only have one domain. Make sure this field is correct.
      3. In Directory: You should probably delete the "wp" entry in directory so that the pages install in your "home" directory. If you know what you are doing, you can put this wherever you want.
    2. Site Settings
      1. Site Name: This is what your website will be called (we are "Sparked Hosting")
      2. Site Description: This is your "Tagline". Put something catchy here. You can change it later if you decide you don't like it.
      3. Enable Multisite (WPMU): We suggest against using this option for beginner users. It makes the management of your account much more complicated
    3. Admin Account- This account information is in addition to your cPanel login information. We recommend using unique logins and passwords here.
      1. Admin username: <YourUsername>
      2. Admin Password: <YourPassword> (Please make sure your password is "strong". We cannot keep people from guessing your password if you get lazy here)
      3. Admin Email: A good email address, preferably not attached to this domain, for the system to email you at if needed.
    4. Choose Language
      1. Select Language: English (unless you don't want english, then use whatever language set you want!)
    5. Select Plugin(s)
      1. Limit Login Attempts (Loginizer): Please install this add-on. If you do nothing else for your website's security, this will provide at least basic security for your site.
    6. Advanced Options: If you're familiar with WordPress, you may choose to change these values but it is not necessary.


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